Solutions for Daily living

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Talk About Mental Health                                                                                                                10/2023

Mental Health means in simple terms is your overall wellness of how you think, regulate your feelings and behave.  Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being.  It is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through you adulthood. In addition, your mental health status determine how you handle stress, relate to other, and make healthy choices.  Did you know more than 1 and 5 adults live with mental illness (57.8 million in 2021)?

Your mental health can change over time, depending on other elements. Mental health is among the most common health conditions in the United States.  It is estimated that 6 in 10 persons live with at least 1 chronic disease, like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, etc., are the leading cause of death and disability in America.  Did you know that 90% of the nation’s $4.1 trillion health care cost are for those with chronic and mental health conditions.  Our mental health is just as important as our physical health.


  1. Eat healthy and drink water often
  2. Take medication as prescribed
  3. Exercise and Rest
  4. Avoid unnecessary worry and stress
  5. Do something fun, relaxing or meditation.


National Health Expenditure Data: Historical. Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services. December 15, 2021. Accessed May 5, 2022.



Talk, Teach and Pray!                                                                                 8/2023

Why are our babies having trouble with schoolmates? Who taught children to be cruel to each other about our clothing and hair? Children and young teens dealing with depression and angry behavior to cope in school. Many students have not been in school 21 days, and we have social and emotional issues about appearance. Talk and Pray!

Teach your child to love who they are as a child of God.
Teach your child they are loved and have worth.
Teach your child they do not need to alter themselves to be like others.
Teach your child that they are important to this world and are precious to you.
Teach your child to be joyful, love and forgive.

Our children have too many other things to focus on instead of how someone does not dress the same. Bullying another student simply because their hair doesn’t look like yours. Children teaching other classmates to taunt and ignore students who don’t fit their criteria to be friendly too. We have work to do. Teach our children how to interact with others, proper manners, and empathy.

Build Social Skills 

  1. Teach the importance of Listening.
  2. Teach how to Share.
  3. Teach Respect.

Build Emotional Skills

  1. Talk about emotions. It is okay.
  2. Teach how to Recognize good behavior.
  3. Teach how to stay Calm and Comfort them.

There are several others to teach. These are most often lacking in our children’s social and emotions tool box.  Studies show when children learn adequate social skills, they can be socially happier and better equipped to problem-solve. They are likely to do better in school based on research from Penn State and Duke University (2015).



Ask the school counselor for information/tools


Mental Health: Take Care of You                                                                                                        4/22/22

Are you too busy? Long work hours, demanding school hours or overbooked with your child’s activities have you constantly on the go. Oh, don’t forget about the housework and grocery shopping. Take a break. We all need to find time to be good to your physical body and spirit. When things are overwhelming—take a break. There is no shame, you need it, take a break. It is wise to take care of yourself and regroup. You are better off doing so. Run-down conditions can be a setup for disaster later.

Staring Tips:

Take Breaks – power walks, stroll, or get outdoors to stretch your muscles/inhale and exhale.
Less Coffee – Reduce excessive coffee intake, you may find you have less headaches. Try tea.
Use Leave – Spread leave throughout the year, take a good 4–7-day break for a vacation. You earned it.
Practice useful thinking – Journaling or blogging to refresh your mind.
Hobbies – Balance work and fun/home. Useful outlets: sewing, fishing, meeting friends or learn a new skill.
Schedule – Paper or electronic reminders helps with overload and forgetting important to-dos.
Table Time – Make a conscious effort to eat at the table. Avoid walking around or standing. Sit, taste, and enjoy your meal.
Water, Water – Dehydration contributes to stress. Drink up to hydrate.

Even heroes need rest and time to regroup. Superman and Superwomen are still men and women. Let’s talk about things to do for you. Taking care of everyone else is wonderful but it is taxing on you, so take a break. Decompress, wind down or loosen up—whatever you call it. It is in your best interest to take time to recharge.

Nothing has to be built or made in a day. God did his best and He needed six days and a rest day. What about you? We are all different. Some may need a rest day twice a month or once a week, do what is needed to stay focused and rested. The key is to balance what needs to be now and what can be done later. Live better with less stress and pressure.



The Past of 2023…. What did we do?

Remember this, nothing but the blood of Jesus can give hope and peace.  Give him all your troubles and see what he does.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.     Isaiah 43:19 (KJV)

 It is time to move into your assigned position and stand on the Word of God.  What God has for you is a blessing He designed before you were aware or even ready. The problems and interruptions that visited your door in 2022— they’re no match for God! No worries. Simply Believe and Trust God. Let go of any disappointment… the finances, problems in marriages, loss jobs or problem on the job, backslidden family members, broken or no relationships.  You must believe deep down in your gut that God has the solution already worked out. Have patience and keep moving forward. If you look back, learn from the past.  Are you the one? Be the one with a “crazy praise” and “insane faith” like no one else. Tell the Lord “Thank you.”

Let God turn things around for your good. God has given you Power—use it. Change is necessary and it can break barriers. Avoid wasting time wondering what the “someone else received or did.”  Avoid focusing on what you loss and remember what it still in front of you.  God will increase and bring change.  Seek God to increase your HOPE – TRUST– FAITH in 2023. God has great things in store for you.  Step out in faith; you must move to receive.  If God said it, go for it—it is yours. Believe.

2022 was the start of many wonderful blessings. I say again, “check fear and unworthiness at the door.” Expect greater and amazing doors to be opened in 2023. It is in the power of your obedience and belief. Identify the change.

God is working miracles. Believe!